Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant

Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant

Oil sludge comes from exploration, drilling, and refining of oil resources. It composes of oil, water, and sludge, that may cause an increased environmental pollution if they are not processed. However, oil sludge features plenty of oil, which is among the most pressures resources and will give a income opportunity. Therefore, we need to invest … Read more

Medical Waste Pyrolysis Plant

Medical Waste Pyrolysis Plant

Beston medical waste pyrolysis plant aims at converting all kinds of medical waste into useful resources, such as fuel oil and carbon black. The oil made from medical waste can be widely in industries such as steel and iron and boiler factories, ceramics, power or chemical industries etc. Carbon black can be used for making construction bricks, or used as fuel.

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Auto Continuously Operating Pyrolysis Plant

Continuous Waste Tyre Pyrolysis Plant

The auto continuously operating pyrolysis plant is equipped with automatic feeding and discharging system, which can realize feeding materials on one side and discharging slag from the other side continuously. This plant can handle these raw materials, such as waste tires, plastics, rubber, oil sludge and medical waste. The final products are pyrolysis oil, carbon … Read more

Batch Type Pyrolysis Plant

Batch Operating Pyrolysis Plant

The batch type pyrolysis plant doesn’t need pre-treatment devices and the raw materials can be put into the reactor directly. This plant can handle these raw materials, such as waste tires, plastics, rubber, oil sludge. The final products are pyrolysis oil, carbon black, steel wire (for tires).

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Pyrolysis Tire Recycling System

Batch Type Pyrolysis Tire Recycling System

Beston pyrolysis tyre recycling system belongs to the environmental protection equipment, which can makes use of the green technology (pyrolysis) to convert waste tires into useful resources, like tyre pyrolysis oil, carbon black and steel wire.

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